Intuition: The ability to understand immediately, absent of conscious reasoning...

This annual exhibit features the works of the Studio Artists and Parkside Village Artists and introduces artists Jeff Capers and Allan Diego.  Artists opening Friday, May 26th at 6:00pm as a featured event during Uptown Westerville's 4th Friday celebration.  Artists featured include Tina Watman, Missy Fast, Mira Rathman, Elizabeth Macleod, Marty Tucker, Brian Morrissey, Heidi Gum, Hannah Shoemaker, Katherine Benalcazar, Jan Poland, Tiffany Arnold, and Alexis Sabatino as well as young Studio Artists ages 6-17.  Select originals and prints are available for purchase.  Enjoy the works of these artists who use their intuition as a vehicle for expression.  The gallery is open Monday-Friday noon-5:00 and by appointment. The exhibit runs through July 14th. 


Opening-The Art of Intuition


Brazilian Artist Allan Diego